We collected requirements from the brands gained during our discovery sessions as well as from the Product and Engineering teams.
Requirements we identified from our research for GDT table, log of changes, and rights management.
We engaged in an ideation session with members of the Product and Engineering teams in order to generate ideas and solutions to create a content registration workflow for the MVPD GDT Table & Rights Management. By framing the problem at hand and encouraging the group to use divergent thinking, we all came up with great insights.
We collected requirements from the brands gained during our discovery sessions as well as from the Product and Engineering teams.
Requirements we identified from our research for GDT table, log of changes, and rights management.
At the beginning of the session, we introduced the problem that GMO is trying to tackle - TKX replacement and our effort to move away from vendor services. We explained the significance of the GDT table and the rights spreadsheets in the authentication and authorization process our customers go through when accessing one of our video experiences. We also presented current workflows of how Content Distribution, the Affiliates group, and GMO interact in order to get information and update these tables. Current workflows were shown to highlight the pain points users face when trying to update these tables through vendor services. We shed light on why building the GDT table and rights spreadsheets into MVPD Admin would be of value. Requirements were given to the participants in order to guide their thought process during the multiple rounds of ideation.
Click here to see the presentation deck from ideation session for content registration.
In the ideation session, everyone sketched and/or listed their ideas for the MVPD GDT table & rights management in low-fidelity wireframes. There were three rounds of Charrettes with the last round consisting of working in pairs. After each round, we discussed all the ideas from the group. At the end of the session, we were given three stickers to vote for the solutions we felt strongly about. The final results are listed below.